I see macenta
A land of super wonders
Of gallant men and women
Macenta is a place to be
Like New York in America
Macenta is a place in Guinea
A city built with endless courage and passion
I once visited Macenta when I was two and a half years old
A land of hard-working people
Filled with happiness and Humanity
A tale from my mother
I see macenta
As I smile at the beautiful weather of this land
Like a mountain in the forest
Macenta will forever be praise
Where tradition and our culture are highly practiced
A hustling ground filled with determined youths
I see macenta
Marketers selling to make living
Educating their children as a future saving
Macenta is a land of super wonders
A place of dream living
Macenta shine to give light
Dedicating this poem to my mother Matene Camara