The 93rd annual Convention of Liberia West African Council (35 Episcopal District) Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) Inc get underway at the Miracle Praise and Worship Center, J.J.Y Community, Gardnerville, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa.
The convention is under the theme: WHEN THE DAY OF PENTECOST HAD FULLY COME and Text: Act 2:1.
Addressing newsmen, the Diocesan Bishop of the (of the 35 Episcopal District of PAW) Bishop Dr. Leo M. Simpson said the theme is selected with the aim of awaken the spirits of Pastors, Church Leaders, and workers for the growth of ministry as emphasis will be lay on the receiving of the Holy Ghost and speaking with tongues as was in the day of Pentecost.
Bishop Simpson said expected to attend the convention are eleven local branch churches during the week long gathering.
He disclosed also that a twenty three men high power American delegation which include medical doctors, instructor, nurses, counselors, social workers, and evangelists headed by suffrangan Bishop, Julian Johnson the representative of the P.A.W in the Americas.
The PAW leader in Liberia also said while in the country members of the delegation will engage in various activities as reaching from teaching, training and evangelism as well as a open air Block street party of community dwellers at the headquarter church on Front Street, Central Monrovia,.
He said the more thane twenty man team will visit the Samuel Grimes Rehabilitation Center for At-Risk Youth in Kakata, Bong Mines Road as form its opening last year the first batch of victims will be certificated.
Also on Monday during the visit in Kakata, Margibi County according to the Bishop Simpson a property in the form of land, that was been used by a company now turned over to the church will be visited during said tour.
Bishop said the issues of drugs and substance abuse in the county is prevalent and as result the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc. decided to establish the center to buttress government effort in combating the menace that has overwhelmed the country with young people suffers.
The visiting American team will conduct teaching seasons at the Haywood Mission Institute and support staffs of the H.M.I.
The 93rd annual convention of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World head in Liberia then welcomed the visitors and all members’ churches and prayed that everyone will have a wonderful, and leave a feeling that it was good for them to be at the 93rd P.A.W Convention in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa.
Bishop Dr. Leo M. Simpson was appointed by the board of Bishop in 2017 as the Diocesan/Resident Bishop of the Liberian West African Council (35th Episcopal District) Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc.
In 1984, he was also appointed by the members of the foreign mission department, P.A.W. Inc. as the Administrative Director of the Samuel Grimes memorial Institute, P.A.W Inc, Bong Mines, Kakata, Margibi County Liberia, West Africa.