I read with utter dismay what the LDEA Director General Abraham Kromah considered in his response to my article entitled “ LDEA Director General Abe Kromah Becomes a Major Culprit as Liberia Continues to Lose the Fight Against Illicit Drugs and Substance Abuse”.
I thought the chap would’ve done better but as usual, the ex-rebel General disgracefully fell short of logic as he cowardly used a pseudonym or one of his minions to falsify his role.
Firstly, he dabbles into unnecessary red herrings by ignoring most of the essential issues raised in my last article. The quack finds joy in distorting history and spewing out innuendos in an attempt to justify his ineptitude but all efforts to do so only expose his ignorance.
This action on the part of Abraham Kromah is a clear indication of his lack of understanding of his role at the LDEA and only validates our point that he is nothing more than a scumbag who relies on charlatanism rather than reality.
Secondly, there is no point in his feeble write-out to respond to because an attempt to respond, then we might be depriving the public of an issue-driven debate anchor on his despicable human rights record and his colossal failure as head of the LDEA to achieve any indicators of the government’s 100-day Deliverable under “Drug and Substance abuse “.
From the trash, Abraham Kromah wrote that he called a response, we can see how clueless the man is that he spent his whole time ranting about former Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee rather than addressing the peril of issues raised in my initial article. Former Mayor Koijee is alive and he can speak for himself so I won’t pretend to speak for a man who has adequately defended his impeccable character.
Any attempt by me to do so will be doing a disservice to him because, unlike Abraham Kromah who is a coward, Koijee has never shied away from speaking on issues and defending his role as Mayor of the City of Monrovia.
I’m neither his spokesperson nor his hire for pen, I am responsible enough to go into an intellectual exchange with anyone and it’s just unfortunate that our society is so prone to moral decadence that the government continue to reward those who created carnage during the 14 years of civil crisis including an ex-rebel Abraham Kromah with national position.
With such moral decadence, we are coerced to even accommodate those ex-rebels into the decent intellectual space of our country. Sad! In my previous article titled “ LDEA Director General Abe Kromah Becomes a Major Culprit as Liberia continue to Lose the Fight against Illicit Drugs and Substance Abuse”, I referenced the Global Action for Sustainable Development, 2023 situational analysis reports on Drug Abuse in Liberia as one of the many reasons that the Unity Party claims that the CDC government didn’t do much to tackle the menace, ironically, the situation has even quadruple to a national emergency under the leadership of ex-rebel Abraham Kromah.
Currently, there are more ghettos found in the heart of the city of Monrovia while the rural part of the country serves as a transit point.
According to the DW News report on drug and substance abuse in Monrovia, they visited a kush den where 77 Percent of the substance abusers gained access to one of Monrovia’s kush dens, where users live and smoke the drug.
See link (https://www.dw.com/en/into-the-kush-dens-of-monrovia/video-68001208) What have Abraham Kromah Unity Party done to curtail the spread of the use of substance abuse? What program has he instituted to take those drug addicts from the heart of the city? Nothing!
Abraham Kromah through his minions has failed to point at any achievement made in the last 100 days of his party leadership of the country, specifically indicators of drug and substance abuse. Once again, I am challenging ex-rebel Abraham Kromah to state any tangible achievements under his watch as the Director General of the LDEA.
His only achievement so far is to befriend notorious drug dealers and receive kickbacks as a means of enriching his pockets rather than saving the lives of thousands of young people who are affected by drug addiction. The chap has failed to clearly explain the whereabouts of the drug confiscated by the LDEA on February 21, 2024, that led to the arrest of a renowned drug dealer George Ikpegehukwu alias “Original Japan”.
He is also yet to tell the public the whereabouts of the consignment of drugs his confidant escaped with from the RIA that led to his Deputy Director For Operations Hassan Fadiga blowing an alarm. All these surreptitious transactions and the lack of clear information from the LDEA are evidence to support why we believe Abraham Kromah has become a culprit in the fight against illicit drug trafficking and substance abuse.
All we have seen from the chap is unnecessary showboating for a media stunt. The ex-ULIMO -K rebel has no vision for the entity and looks completely clueless after failing miserably to achieve a single indicator of the government 100 day deliverable. Once again, we want to ask the flunky what he has done to achieve the below target of his Unity Party government.
- Make the issue of illicit drugs and substance abuse a national emergency.
- Enhance the existing program and create additional programs that remove disadvantaged youth and drug addicts from the streets.
- Rehabilitate, refurbish, and provide drugs to mental health hospitals and clinics.
- Ensure that rehabilitated youth receive income-generating skills and are reintegrated into society. Abe Kromah can’t show anything but all he does is rent a suite at the ROYAL GRAND HOTEL and use it as a means of supporting his promiscuous activities, use it as a meeting point for his drug dealers’ friends and go about harassing peaceful citizens and journalists in the streets.
Furthermore, in his naivety and dump state of mind, he questioned the enormous strive made by the CDC government to tackle illicit drug trafficking and substance abuse. If the clown is forgetting so soon, we want to remind him that the “Controlled Drugs and Substances Act of 2023” commonly called the “Drug Law “ was signed into law by the CDC government as a part of his commitment to make Liberia drug-free.
The new law which seeks to regulate, restrict, control, limit, or eradicate illegal export and importation as well as the flagrant use, abuse, and proliferation of narcotic substances within Liberia was signed into law by the CDC government. See link (https://frontpageafricaonline.com/news/liberia-president-weah-signs-controlled-drugs-and-subst ances-bill-into-law/ ).
The CDC government didn’t just stop there but also went as far as committing to financially supporting programs aimed at taking at-risk youth from the street. On June 30, 2022, the UN and the Government of Liberia launched a US$13.9 million to empower At-Risk youth which the government made an initial 1 million commitment and make sure budgetary support was forthcoming for operational purposes of the LDEA.
See link (https://liberia.unfpa.org/en/news/un-and-government-liberia-launch-us139-million-empower-risk-youth). The CDC government’s efforts to combat illicit drug trafficking and substance abuse were realistic with a series of sustainable programs and support from civil society and NGOs.
The approach was systemic with an interministerial steering committee coordinating the combat against drug trafficking and substance abuse. See link (https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Sqr4qgsms11ZRwwG/?) These efforts and many other interventions from the CDC government created a smooth path to addressing substance abuse in our country.
For instance, in July of 2019, the MCC under the leadership of Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee launched a rehab project for 625 At-Risk youths in Monrovia and its environs. See link (https://www.facebook.com/share/p/uKDHfGVjbnXbfDVa/?).
For anyone to say that the CDC government did nothing to tackle drug trafficking and substance abuse in our country then that person must be high on steroids or attempting to distort history with nefarious claims to satisfy their ignorant paymaster.
As intimated in my previous article, the LDEA needs a team that is professional, program-driven and a leader with a good moral credential who can open doors locally and internationally to assist in the fight against drug and substance abuse.
Abraham Kromah can’t be the one because he has a bad human rights record, he has employed warlords at the entity whose understanding of the fight against drugs is to brutalise and harass peaceful citizens.
A man who continues to move along with a warlord who was deported on June 21, 2023, by the U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Removal Operations in Detroit, Michigan as a former executive of the United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy (ULIMO -K); which isn’t surprising to me because Abraham Kromah as an Ex-ULIMO Rebel fought along Mr. Dolley.
As drug trafficking and substance abuse ravage our young generation, we must endeavor to invest in programs that create preventive measures through robust awareness, dismissal of Director General Abe Kromah who has become a culprit and institute a holistic approach to dealing with all the legal ramifications surrounding the arrest and subsequent incarceration of those arrested for drug trafficking.
As long as Abe Kromah is the head of the LDEA, the fight against illicit drug trafficking and substance abuse will just be a mere show with no concrete effort to tackle it hands-on.
About the Author Mohammed M. Bamba, Jr is a political activist and administrator who holds a Master of Public Administration in Local Government and Rural Development Administration from the Cuttington University School of Graduate and Professional Studies.