By Paul Harry
The student burns the midnight candles
And the teacher does likewise
Each does so toward a goal
The student walks in the rain and the sun,
And the teacher engages in the same venture
Isn’t it done toward a goal?
A mother is carrying her child on her back,
And a child is carrying a doll on her back
Will anyone argue that each does it toward a goal?
A pastor is reading the Bible,
And a member is doing likewise
Doesn’t each do it toward a goal?
We see citizens protesting in the streets,
And we see government’s riot police chasing them
Believe me, each does so toward a goal
A man is seen depositing money,
And another is seen withdrawing money
Should we say each has no goal?
A citizen participates in elections,
And a candidate does likewise
Can we argue that each has no goal?
The woman wants to check her man’s phone,
And the man uses double password on it
Each does so with a goal
An elderly woman chooses a young boy,
And a young boy chooses an elderly woman
Each has a goal in mind
An old man desires a young girl,
And a young girl desire an old man
Doesn’t each have a goal?
A man approaches a woman,
And the woman accepts it
Remember each has a goal in mind
A man proposes to a woman for marriage,
And the woman happily accepts
Don’t forget that each has a goal in mind
God made man in His own image,
And man strives to worship and obey God
Indeed, each does so toward a goal
You do what you do, and how you do it,
And I do what I do, and how I do it
Remember we all do it toward a goal