The Archbishop of Monrovia is urging the formation of an activist movement dedicated to fighting for social justice and bringing about positive change in civil society and the country’s democratic and economic governance.
The Most Rev. Dr. Gabriel Blamo Jubwe expressed a need for an army of people to stand against the oppression and exploitation of the poor.
With the country’s value system eroded by over two decades of civil wars, this movement, guided by the social doctrine of the Catholic Church, according to the Bishop, aims to reintroduce social justice clubs such as the Young Christian Students to cultivate a new generation of activists who will champion human dignity and uphold family values.
Archbishop Jubwe made this statement on May 25 during the official launch of the Catholic Social Teaching seminar organized by the Catholic Men Organization of Our Lady of Lebanon Catholic Church, St. Joseph Parish in Monrovia.
These principles form the foundation of the Church’s social doctrine and its commitment to addressing issues of justice, peace, economic well-being, and environmental stewardship. He called upon Catholics to put their faith into action to create a more just, dignified, and compassionate society.
During the 1990s, with wars devastating Africa and Catholics actively engaged, bishops from the continent assembled in Rome to spearhead renewal efforts aimed at educating and advocating for social justice that upholds human dignity. These discussions led to the establishment of the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission and other pastoral initiatives in Liberia.
The new leader of the Catholic Church in Liberia is determined to reignite a spirit of activism that challenges corruption and other societal ills.
“May God bless you with the strength to work for justice, freedom, and peace,” he prayed. “May God bless you with tears to share for those who have endured pain, rejection, hunger, and war, so that you may reach out to console them and turn their suffering into joy?”
Key Points About Catholic Social Teaching:
- Dignity of the Human Person – Affirms the inherent dignity of every human person as created in the image and likeness of God, emphasizing the sanctity of human life and the fundamental rights of all individuals.
- Common Good – Highlights the importance of pursuing the well-being of the entire community, with an emphasis on the needs of the poor and marginalized.
- Subsidiarity – Advocates for handling social and political matters at the most local level possible to respect the autonomy of lower-level social units.
- Solidarity – Encourages support and unity among all members of the human family, especially the vulnerable and marginalized.
- Preferential Option for the Poor – Emphasizes the priority of addressing the needs of the poor and oppressed, calling on the Church to advocate for and stand in solidarity with these individuals.
- Rights and Responsibilities – Upholds the basic human rights of all individuals while emphasizing the mutual responsibilities we have towards one another and society as a whole.