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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Stakeholders Validate National Adaption Plan -Agriculture Sector Data Tracking toolkit

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A one-day review and validation workshop was held in Kakata, Margibi County, in the provincial capital of one of the 15 political sub-divisions of Liberia.

The workshop objective was to assemble technicians, focal points and experts to review and validate the draft data tracking toolkit for the NAP Agriculture Sector.

The data tracking toolkit is one of the instruments for the MEL implementation in Liberia. It is one of the key deliverables of the NAP Global Network short-term project technical support to develop the NAP Agriculture Sector implementation plan, Key performance indicators and the data tracking toolkit.

The data tracking toolkit was developed following the development of the key performance indicators for the NAP Agriculture sector.

The thirty invited participants to the review validation workshop arrived in Kakata on Tuesday, October 29, 2024.

However, on Wednesday morning, participants arrived at the venue of the workshop, registration and served breakfast.

Following that the review and validation workshop was formally commenced with the officially opening session were representative of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture made remarks.

The one-day validation workshop was convened in Kakata and attended by 30 participants from a cross section of the NAP sectors; namely Fisheries, Forestry, Agriculture, Energy, Coastal Zones and others.

Speaking on behalf of the EPA was Mr. Saah Varnie, Assistant Manager, and Multilateral Environmental Agreements MEAs). In his opening remarks, Mr. Varnie expressed on behalf of the Executive Director of the EPA, Dr. Emmanuel Yarkparwolo Urey, the EPA’s appreciation of the short-term technical support to Liberia for the development of the IP, KPIs and the data tracking toolkit for the NAP Agriculture sector.

Speaking further, he also thanked the participants from the different institutions to take the validation workshop seriously. “We cannot track the progress of our NAP implementation in the absence of these tools”.

Also making remarks at the opening session was the Ministry of Agriculture. Speaking on behalf of the Ministry was Mr. Halala Kokolu, Director of Extension. Mr. Halala Kokulo, expressed the ministry’s happiness for the development of the data tracking which will ensure the tracking of the projects implemented in the agriculture sector.

He also concluded his remarks by pleading with NAP Global Network to continue with the technical support to Liberia so as to enhance the sectors’ capacities to track the progress of the NAP.

Following the opening remarks , Mr. Aaron S.M. Wesseh, one of the consultants on this project to develop the IP, KPIs and the data tracking toolkit first welcome all the participants to the workshop, and charged them to commit their energy and technical prowess in getting the draft tool critique to get the best for Liberia.

Mr. Wesseh told the participants that the validation workshop was taken out of Monrovia because of the seriousness and importance attached to its validation.

He recounted all the processes that led to the development of the drafted data tracking tool that was available for validation.

According to Aaron Wesseh, the process started in August with the Inception workshop, which was meant to introduce the assignment, its objective and scope the sector representatives.

Since the inception, the NAP Agriculture Sector IP, KPIs were developed and validated. The data tracking toolkit was developed from the IP and KPIs. In closing he said following the validation of the tracking toolkit, training for Focal points, experts and M & E Officers will be held to apply the tool.

The opening session was followed by the validation of the data tracking toolkit for the NAP Agriculture Sector.

The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network is a multi-funder initiative that was created in 2014 to support developing countries in advancing their NAP processes and help accelerate adaptation efforts around the world. Financial support for the Network has been provided by Austria, Canada, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The NAP Global Network’s Country Support Hub provides expert advice and short-term technical support on specific issues related to national adaptation planning and implementation. The government of Liberia requested short-term support from the NAP Global Network.

The purpose of the request is to support the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia to develop Agriculture Sector-NAP Implementation Plan, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and data tracking tools for the agriculture sector to enhance the implementation of NAP process.

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