By Oracle News Daily
Main opposition leader Joseph Boakai is losing to incumbent President George Weah in his native Lofa County according to an independent opinion poll the Oracle News Daily has obtained.
Conducted between August 12-17 this year with a sample size of 3,000, about 48.8% or 1,464 respondents said they will vote for the ruling coalition for Democratic Change leader Weah compared to 41.6% or 1,245 people who responded in favored of Boakai and the Unity Party.
The polls show Weah is enjoying a comfortable lead in electoral districts number 1,2 &3, while Boakai is slightly winning in district 5&6.
A total of 1,854 respondent said they will be voting for development, followed by 996 who will be making decision on the basis of peace and security.
Lofa’s electoral district 1 is constituency that covers the northern parts of Foya District, which encompases the communities of Borliloe, Lepaloe, Ndehuma, Yelayaloe, Konkpama, Bandenin, Bandenin Melimu, Ndama, Foya, Fassapoe and Sinagole.
District 2 covers Vahun District, three communities of Kolahun District (Kamatahun, Popalahun, Lehun) and four communities of Foya District (Foya Tengia, Kpagamai, Yassadu, Kimbaloe).
Electoral District 3 stretches from Kolahun District (except the communities of Kamatahun, Popalahun and Lehun) to Voinjama District (Zawordamai, Kpadehmai, Kpakamai, Tobogizizu, Lawalazu).[3]
Lofa-4: This constituency covers Voinjama City, Quardu Gboni District, six communities of Voinjama District (Worbalamai, Kesselemai, Vezala, Dayzabah, Zogolemai, Karzah) and two communities of Zorzor District (Barziwen, Konia).
Lofa-5 is an electoral district for the elections to the House of Representatives. This constituency covers Salayea District and Zorzor District (except Konia and Barziwen).
Lofa-2 is an electoral district for the elections to the House of Representatives of Liberia. The constituency covers Vahun District, three communities of Kolahun District (Kamatahun, Popalahun, Lehun) and four communities of Foya District (Foya Tengia, Kpagamai, Yassadu, Kimbaloe).